
Die structural analysisSimulation considering die deformation

This figures simulated a scroll forging process under rigid-die or elastic-die assumptions to reveal the die fracture occurring at the root of wrap.

The major reason of the fracture lies in the unbalanced filling of material between the wraps. As a whole the effect of the elastic-die is negligible.

From more detailed observation, however, we can find that a little earlier fracture occurred for the elastic-die. From this figure, the width increase of the die cavity in the left side is a little greater than that of the right side, which caused the difference in fracture time.

- Fractured die

- Mesh System -

- Metal flow line -

- Effective strain 

- Distribution of σyy

- Die displacement | Stress component σyy -

KSTP Autumn 2014 / KSTP Spring 2015 / KSTP Fall 2016 

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