Die elastic deformation in cold forging > Conventional forging

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Die structural analysis

Die elastic deformation in cold forging

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Recently some special functions of precision simulation of forging processes with elastic deformation of dies considered was improved, which are now ready to be supported as beta-version for users.
  These predictions are typical applications to axi-symmetric cold forging processes. Die structural analysis of the left predictions was conducted using the post-processor after simulating the forging process by rigid-plastic function. Of course, these predictions are quite different from the solutions obtained by the elastoplastic function considering both material and dies at the same time. The maximum displacement of die, 13.7 mm, in this case, cannot be accepted. The solutions are correct but it is owing to the limitation of theory of rigid-plasticity. 






Max. Displacement: 13.7 mm

Max. Displacement: 0.4 mm


KSTP Fall 2016

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