Metal Flow Line & Scrap Optimization in Forging > Success story

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Success story

Metal Flow Line & Scrap Optimization in Forging

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- Optimize metal flow lines

- Minimize the scrap volume

- Develop new automatized process with no failure



- AFDEX used to predict metal flow lines

- AFDEX provides higher accuracy to eliminate or minimize trial-and-error




- AFDEX excludes failure at the early stage of process design especially in the conventional cold or hot forging processes.

- AFDEX allows process design engineers to achieve optimal metal flow lines with maximum yield and minimal scrap. 


My long years of experience make me say that AFDEX

is an application-orientedmetal forming simulator on

which you can rely in process optimization.

It never fails to satisfy you.


Mr. Jae-Hyun Chung

Sen. Manager

Schaeffler Korea



WingsTower A1208, 12 Dongbu-ro 169beon-gil, Jinju-si, Gyeongnam-do, Republic of Korea, 52818

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