Innovative Non-Standard Automatic Multi-Stage Cold Forging > Success story

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Success story

Innovative Non-Standard Automatic Multi-Stage Cold Forging

페이지 정보

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- Develop highly value-added auto-parts, i.e., non-standard parts including yoke parts

- Develop micro-forming parts for ABS parts



- Increase die life-span with minimized die stresses

- Encourage process design engineers to challenge creative and innovative process designs



- AFDEX paves such a way for process design engineers as to make them more active in developing new process for new products. 

- Customer companies has a big confidence in crediting forging companies as product quality guarantors.


“I am asking all forging process developing engineers to optimize their processes and guarantee them by elaborate simulator just like AFDEX.


Mr. Taemin Hwang

Executive Manager


Sungjin FO-MA


WingsTower A1208, 12 Dongbu-ro 169beon-gil, Jinju-si, Gyeongnam-do, Republic of Korea, 52818

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