MFRC - Altair Webinar titled "Plate Forging Process Simulation Using AFDEX " > Notice

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MFRC - Altair Webinar titled "Plate Forging Process Simulation Using AFDEX "

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Plate Forging Process Simulation Using AFDEX 

MFRC - Altair Webinar on 28th May, 2020 - 10:00 - 10:30 AM EDT (16:00 CET)


Metal forming has been gradually spreading it’s influence on modern manufacturing and assembly methods. Especially, plate forging processes are important for reducing your company’s time to market as an efficiently designed plate forging process can save a lot of  time.

In this webinar, the simulation technology for plate forging processes will be presented along with some examples and industrial applications. Also to be discussed is one of the hottest issues in the field of sheet metal forming simulation: Finite element analysis using solid elements which can solve the inherent defects of traditional sheet metal forming simulation technology based on shell or plate elements, for example, local thinning phenomena.

The webinar will be hosted by Altair and the topic will be presented by Dr. ManSoo Joun, President and CEO of MFRC.

Please use the link below to register for the webinar.


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